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The Earl Campbell Story - Earl's Lovelife at the Front

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Dec 29, 1918 Belgium, Earl refers to his "girlfriend" in Fontain-Valmont
Dear Mother, just a few more lines from this Country again. I guess this will be my last letter from France to you. News is going around that we sail for England 1st Jan. It is good news for this lad allright. I'll soon be home again. I'll be home before my Birthday I think. Clarence Bowkey and Frank Locuas, Jack Stubbs went a week ago. Several more of my comrades went also. Old B.Coy is very small now.

Well Mother what kind of a time did you all have Xmas. I hope you had a jolly time. I will have my next Xmas with you. We had a fine time her on Xmas. A big table was set out for us. And plenty of goose, mutton, beef, oranges, apples, beer, wine. Oh we had everything that day. Just the two Coys are here in this town. D Coy and B. A and C are 10 or 15 miles from here. The people here are awful good to us. They sure think a great deal of the Canadians. We are the first British troops they have seen in this war. The Germans had this town and all the people in their hands since 1914.

I visit one family every night. They are learning me French & Belgium language. At least the only daughter of the family is, ha-ha. I allso learn her English. She is bound to go to Canada after I go back. She looks a great deal like Pauline. I think that is why Yek as she calls me took a fancy to her, ha-ha.

Well Mother, I see the Xmas box you sent. A dandy one to, that honey and butter was a fine treat. And Merelda can sure make good ginger snaps and Xmas cake. I am using the blue pencil Floss sent me. The time is close so when Yek will not need a pencil or pen. Well Mother, I must close now. I hope this is my last letter to you & all form this Country. Hope to see you all again very soon. Best love and good wishes to all at home.
Your Loving Son, Earl

Jan 16, 1919 Letter from Earl's girlfriend Flore written in French

Translation of letter
One of the puzzling questions was how did this young farmer from King know enough French to correspond with his Belgium girlfriend. The answer appears in this letter as Flore hopes he finds an interpreter to read her letter.
Dear Yek,

Your departure has caused a large hole in our house. We keep expecting you to come back at any moment. I was so sad when you left. I think often of our last night spent together with my parents. I am now always alone, time passes so slowly and the nights are long. If you could write me often, to distract me from my loneliness.

We are in good health, and we hope you are too. If you are England, please send me a souvenir. I hope you find an interpreter to read you what I've written you. They send you their love & kisses. Have a good year. Are you still         . They send you their love & kisses. Have a good year. Are you still we are in good health, and we hope you are too. If you are in England, please send me a souvenir. I hope you find an interpreter to read you what I've written you. They send you their love & kisses. Have a good year. Are you still ??????

I turned 17 years old on January 14th. The night during dinner, I said many times like you ???? eat ?????

Apr 8, 1919 Earl writes to Merelda and mentions his 'girlfriend' in Belgium.
What I think of the English girls is very wee. But I do think a great deal of a little one in Belgium.

Jun 8, 1919, Earl's Belgium girlfriend, Flore writes to him again in French.

Translation of letter written by Flore

June 8, 1919

Melle Flore Mulquis Steno-Typist
150 Reu St. Lambert 150
Fontaine Valmont, Belgique

My Dear Yek,

You must have without doubt received my letter from May 27th I will never stop writing with my lovely fiancé Yek. I do not know Miss Palmyre 's because I have never been to Anderlues, so for the moment I can't send you her address but I will do everything I can to find it for my next letter. I am very happy to learn that you will be returning to Canada on the 20th. Your parents must be very happy.

I am also very happy to learn that you will be studying French so that you can talk with me when you return in June 1920. I want to thank you again for the beautiful little souvenir that you sent me. I will keep it safe always and when you return to Fontaine Valmonte you will be able to see it again. The whole family is in good health, except for me, I am a little sick. But do not worry because I am already feeling better. When you depart for Canada, write me to tell me you're leaving for Canada and when you arrive in Canada, write me again to let me know that you arrived safely, I worry so much.

I will finish my letter for now. Mother and Father send you their best wishes. And from me, you get my best kisses.

Your fiancée who loves you Flore.

Lots of kisses for my fiancé Yek.

June 24, 1919, Fontaine Valmont. Another letter from Flore
I received your letter from June 21, this morning that gave me a laugh. But what I find funny is that if you're writing me from England, are you not already starting to write your next letter? Let me know because I am worried.

You told me how nice England is, but it is also nice here. If you were here with me, we could have had lots of fun, on long walks.

Dad and Mom are in good health, and I hope you are too. I am getting better, and I already see an improvement.

I am going to do my photography and I will send it to you right away. Don't forget to send me yours, because I really want to see you my Dear Yek.

Don't forget to tell me when you write back when you are going to return to Canada. After that I will wait for you in the month of June in 1920, we will have lots of fun.

I am finished my letter for now and my Dad and Mom send you their best wishes and I send you lots of kisses. Love your fiancée.

Far from the eyes
    Close to the heart


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